Creative non-fiction and place-based author Molly Murfee is a freelance writer, field educator and outdoor guide. Her essays specialize in nature and environmental writing cut with cultural and societal critique.
Writing from her home community in the Southern Rocky Mountains, Molly’s favorite muse is wilderness and its inherent metaphor, especially as it winds through the passion and tenacity of mountain people living in the rhythms of their untamed home.
She believes that writing can be a powerful tool to educate and entertain, placate or infuriate, speak equally to a politician or a housewife. This is an important vehicle for change in such crucial topics of our time such as the preservation of our wild places or the assurance of human rights. To this end she devotedly pens her regular op-ed column and blog, Earth Muffin Memos, and is currently working on a book compilation of her essays and stories.

Education & Experience
Molly holds Bachelor and Master of Arts degrees in literature, creative writing and environmental writing specializing in the incorporation of outdoor experiential education into academic programs.
She served as a faculty in field programs with Colorado College, Colorado State University, the Audubon Expedition Institute at Lesley University and Colorado Outward Bound teaching creative writing, environmental literature, environmental studies, environmental education, outdoor adventure skills and Leave No Trace ethics, across the United States, Mexico, Canada and the Bahamas.
She has penned over 400 published articles locally, regionally and nationally.